Free Marketing for Cleveland Nonprofits
Your Voice Matters
With the largest news and information audience in Greater Cleveland, cleveland.com is inviting our readers to help us recognize the most purpose-driven and impactful nonprofits in their region. Do you know a 501(c)3 organization that:
- makes a significant impact on the Cleveland area and its residents?
- serves the Cleveland area in a meaningful way?
- creates an impact beyond what is measurable in the usual ways?
If any one (or more) nonprofit organization came to mind, we want to hear from you!
Our Cleveland Nonprofit Program is a ballot system. Our readers nominate and vote for the best of the best. By participating in the voting, they can either vote for a nonprofit they see listed or write in one they’d like to be added to the ballot. The ballot is moderated throughout the program, and suggested organizations are added each day. Participants can vote once per day per email address.
Four marketing campaigns will be awarded, with the most recognized nonprofit receiving a cleveland.com marketing campaign valued at $10,000, and three finalists nonprofits a campaign at $5,000 value. The selected nonprofits will be recognized in May, 2022.
The Ballot will open April 18 and close May 4 2022 at noon. You may vote for a nonprofit listed or write in one you’d like to be added to the ballot. You can vote up to once per day.
To be part of the ballot when it launches, we need you fill out some very basic information, including confirming that you are a 501(c)3 by April 8, 5:00 pm. (Write-ins may be added to the ballot anytime after launch, and nonprofits may self-nominate if they choose.)
Check back for a link to the ballot!
No subscription or purchase is required.
Are you a nonprofit represented in the ballot?
We have a digital media kit available to help you drive attention to this program, filled with assets you can use in emails, social media, and on your own website.