After years of being forced to learn how to integrate work and life more seamlessly, Americans are more actively seeking jobs that align with both professional and personal goals. A more choosy general public can make filling this summer’s open job listings that much harder for organizations that aren’t willing or able to align with the times. ICIMS reports a 40-point gap between job applications and job openings, allowing seekers to be more selective – completing job applications and accepting offers at lower rates than in years past.

Top tips from job seekers and career placement professionals
For those recruiters who are ready to fill positions with employees who truly care, we recommend the following priorities be considered in your listing and hiring processes:

1. Culture and community
For so many who are seeking employment, culture is key to a successful career transition. Because employees are more skeptical than ever before, employers can take advantage by simply putting their money where their mouths are – so to speak. Organizations with strong culture and community rarely need to tout these benefits in marketing materials. Instead, allow your existing employees speak for you and give applicants the opportunity to connect directly with key staff members during the application and interview process.

2. Contract flexibility
A significant number of employees who hold full-time, salaried positions also see fit to fulfill a side hustle or two to keep other passions tended to and their skills sharp, driving employee burn-out or a sense of overwhelm.
Those employees who choose to juggle multiple positions are often the most engaged and effective because of their need to compartmentalize and collaborate, so don’t ban work outside of the traditional job description too quickly. Instead, consider and present flexible options for employment contracts to key prospects who show promise. You might be surprised by just how much more business they’re able to handle alongside all the other balls they have in the air.

3. Frictionless application
When was the last time you filled out a job application? This is the number-one question to be asking yourself and your team during the role development and listing process. To receive the quality of applications that you need, consider how those applicants will find, view, and complete your application. Ensure their ability to get their information to you is direct and simple – for both them and for you. By asking for less information during the application process, you’re able to rapidly open lines of conversation between applicants and recruiters.

4. Salary transparency
If you have a budget set for the position, list it. If you don’t have a budget set for the position, do your due diligence. To remain competitive and proactive in your employment development process, you must be aware of what other organizations in your competitive landscape are providing to their employees. Further, it is of utmost importance that a potential employee understand just how valuable the position is to the leadership in your organization. This is the first, and best, way for potential employees to decide whether to apply for a position – save yourself the “and what’s the pay?” awkwardness in interviews and be up front about the salary and benefits offered.

5. Follow Through
The job listing and interview process can be brutal for employers. Balancing evolutions in business practices with pressure from the finance department can cause a strain on the workforce that keeps forward momentum from occurring. But that doesn’t mean it’s okay to leave people hanging. Remember the Golden Rule: treat others the way you’d like to be treated. A final tip? Follow through in communicating about the status of the position in a consistent and timely manner – just like you’d prefer your future potential employers do for you.
You may find the right candidate with a clunky process. But your applicant’s time and energy is just as valuable during the job application and interview process as yours. Your job application and interview process should be mutually beneficial and painless to be deemed successful. These tips help shed light on how to keep your focus on the person on the other end of the experience.
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Contributed by Erin Bernhard, Account Executive