Let's reconnect.

If you’re reading this, you know what great support can look like. You’ve worked with us in the past. We’ve developed an investment match just for returning advertisers like you.
We’ve designed a program that will add value to your strategy immediately, by matching qualifying advertising investments on cleveland.com and The Plain Dealer. The longer your campaign, the greater the benefit you’ll receive, keeping your brand in front of the right audience—your audience–through the end of 2021.
For returning clients, we match 25%-100% of your advertising investment, depending on the length of your campaign. And the benefits start at just $1,000. Connect with us to find out more.

Success stories

Same Investment, Triple the Result
Prior our partnership, West Park Animal Hospital ranked well organically, and was seeing appropriate results. But with a closer look, it became clear that our team could make changes (some subtle) to improve the efficiencies and blend of tactics to improve the results. The work speaks for itself.

Ethos, Pathos & Logos: How a 2,400-Year-Old Concept Still Shapes Marketing Today
While tactics and tools can be interchangeable between the modes, the one thing that is and always will be a constant is understanding your audience to the deepest level you can. Only then can you identify what rings true to a prospect’s own standards of credibility, emotion, and logic.

Precision Targeting Leads to Strategic Customer Acquisitions
Kadant Solutions gained entry into three targeted production mills in just 18 months (this is considered to be well within the buying cycle of their customers.) These were mills that Kadant Solutions did not have contacts for and were not successful with cold calls.