Traditional advertising isn’t the only way to gain new customers and increase sales. A concept called inbound marketing could help you attract customers to your brand organically.

Inbound marketing is an increasingly common piece of many companies’ marketing strategies. Think of it as the attention you earn through content, social media, search optimization, and other strategies.

In a recent survey, three out of four marketers said they prioritize inbound marketing over traditional outbound—or interruption— marketing. The results demonstrate why companies report they are three times as likely to see higher ROI from inbound versus outbound marketing.1

The first step in crafting an inbound marketing plan is deciding what you want to achieve. Do you want more people to visit your website, fill out a contact form or download a buyer’s guide? With goals that are specific and concrete, you’ll be better able to assign tasks, define outcomes and time frames, and shift strategies when necessary. A goal aiming to generate a certain number of leads from a targeted email or social media strategy within a two-month time period is a more effective, measurable goal than simply “growing the business.”

Establish inbound marketing goals that are SMART. Strategic, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely.

While the method is highly effective, you need a thoughtful plan that gives people reasons to seek out your brand and ultimately transform them into customers. Find out more about which inbound strategies make sense for your business.


Contact us today to learn more about your personalized inbound marketing strategy.
